Maya abdominal massage

  • Helps to...

    Realign Internal Organs

    Relieve Tension in the Diaphragm

    Improve Organ Function

    Release Emotional and Physical Blocks

  • Benefits for Women

    Overall Health

    Helps the uterus contract back into place after birth

    Helps bring misaligned uterus back to place prior to giving birth, caused by accidents, abortions or miscarriages

  • Other Symptoms Maya Abdominal Can Address

    -Painful and irregular periods and ovulation


    -Dark, thick fluids at the beginning & end of menses

    -Ovarian cysts


    -Painful Intercourse


    -Uterine Infections

    -Difficult pregnancy & delivery

    -Premature deliveries


“The Mayans believe that many human emotions are stored in the abdomen. They aren’t alone in that belief, as many cultures focus on the abdomen as a source of healing and power. Thai massage and Chinese medicine have specific treatments for the abdomen. The abdomen is also home to three of the six main chakras in Kundalini Yoga; Mooladhara, Swadhisthana, and Manipura.

In addition to physically releasing deep tension and refreshing the blood flow to muscles and organs, Maya massage also reopens blocked energy paths and can release blocked chi, or life force, that has accumulated due to pent-up emotions.”

-Monique Minahan

Maya Abdominal Massage is a technique applied to the abdomen and pelvis. It is mostly used externally. A specific bodywork flow is incorporated to support the abdominal work. It is holistic in that it works on your emotions, energy, as well as physical, harmonizing the body into balance.

Maya Abdominal Massage is offered in single sessions and series. A series involves three in-depth sessions that focus on creating longer lasting effects, and are received within two weeks.

We will take up to two hours for the first session, which will include conversation, ritual, full body and abdomenal massage. Thereafter, 90-110 minutes a session. If you are in financial need or need to make installments, please let me know.

1 session = $200

3 sessions = $500

Located in West Los Angeles

Please feel free to reach out to me:

To best serve you, we will have a 15 minute call to clarify your needs, and then book an appointment from there.

Thank you!